EFM Health Clubs Geelong

EFM Health Clubs Geelong

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Halfway!!! What does your report card look like?

Imagine if your Coach sent home a report card on your effort so far in the EFM 8 Week Challenge? Would you try to hide it from your parents, or maybe offer to do some extra chores around the house? Most likely not, since your accountability to our parents has diminished over the years. Unfortunately for most of us that means our accountability lies with ourselves...oh dear!

The beauty of the EFM 8 Week Challenge is that those of you who decided to participate completed a goal setting sheet, and gave it to me. Now you are accountable to someone other than just yourself.

I once heard Oprah say that the person we lie to most is ourself, and I think she may be right. We're always going to make a better effort next time, next Monday, the first of next month, next January...the list just seems to go on.

What's my point? Do I have one? You betcha.

Stop talking BS and just get it done! You have four weeks left in this Challenge. What's the worst thing that could happen? Lose some body fat? Drop a dress size? How absolutely awful that would be.

Whilst on the topic of EFM 8 Week Challenge, click the following links to check out some nutrition tips from Soren of EFM Nutrition, and also the Testimonials from some EFM members including our own Jacqui White.






The time to do anything is right now! If you leave things too long, it just gets harder and harder to do. So get into the Club today, don't leave it till tomorrow. Make your Coach work harder to help you achieve your goals. One of you could win a year's free membership to EFM Geelong!!

Don't forget that the Club will be closed for the 3pm to 7pm session on Friday 26th November due to a Fitness Australia function. No, not this coming Friday, the next one!

I hope to see heaps of you at the Cotton On Run Geelong on Sunday 21st November!!



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