Today's blog is not about me. It's not about EFM Health
Clubs Geelong. It's about someone else's adventure. Thank you to the author who
has written very honestly and shared his story. This person continues to be an
inspiration to everyone that he comes into contact with, and judging from his
story, he is slowly starting to believe in who he is. It is members like this
that remind me why I'm in this industry.
By the start of 2011, I had let my life spiral into the
depths of depression and basically living the life of a recluse, making any
excuse not to go places and deal with people. When I did go anywhere I’d never
let anyone know what was really going on in my mind. This was the only way that
I could cope with being me, I thought, just cut yourself off from everything
and everyone and that will work. How wrong was I !!!
The fact that in April 2010 the place that I had worked for
20 years shut down and I hadn’t been able to find any work (and still haven’t)
was only helping to make things worse. I’d tried running my own small business
for a while but unfortunately that didn’t work real well. Haven’t totally
giving up on this idea yet, but that’s another story.
A short time prior to this, the one and only person (except
my family) that I truly ever loved and wanted around me just walked away, not
to be seen again for a couple of years. The importance of this later.
This was the start of the downward thrust. I’ve always been
large but now I couldn’t give a fuck about that or anything else and basically
gave up. What was the point of it all, why bother ? Now I was just letting every
little thing get to me and was pretty much angry all the time. So what am I
suppose to do about this – my answer was to just stay home and eat as much crap
as I could. That was the way to fix that, wasn’t it.......yea right. Well it
made me happy.
Now back to 2011. When the new year rolled around and I’d
spent another new years eve alone, I could feel my health really starting to
struggle. I had reached 179.7kg’s, my right arm was almost useless and could
barely use it. It was also a huge effort to just walk to the letter box and
I thought “stuff
this” and tried losing some weight again, (had tried almost everything known to
achieve this before) and guess what..... FAILED AGAIN. This did nothing but to
sink the boot in that little bit more. Could I feel any worse or more of a
loser ????
This is where my friend re-entered my life for a “visit”.
The first thing she said to me was not hello or how are you, no, it was very
direct and straight to the point – “Fuck you’ve got fat”. Well to me that was the
thing that really ripped my guts and my heart out. I had lots of really really
dark thoughts going through my head after this and was now at what for me was
rock bottom.
This MADE me get my arse into gear and get serious about the
whole obesity thing. I started eating a little bit better and what do you know,
I lost 15kg’s.
By now the arm was really getting to me so I went to see a
quack (and that is being nice towards her). She sort of looked at it but didn’t
seem to care much and sent me for a CAT scan on it. She did a few other little
tests then sent me for a whole range of blood test and a sugar test then told
me to come back next week. When I went for the scan the woman there told me
before we even started that it was the wrong scan for me. Another tick for the
Went back for results of test the next week and she didn’t
even want to talk about the arm/shoulder, that I went to see her about, she was
on a whole other track now. She told me I was morbidly obese, gee how’d she
work that out – bloody idiot, and if I didn’t get help and do something about
it fast I would be pushing it to last another couple of years. I also had very
high blood pressure, diabetes and a couple of other not important things. Her
suggestion was to go and have the gut operation where they actually take ¾ of
your gut out.
I looked into this option, but wasn’t even close to happy
with what I was being told and was reading about this new and improved aid.
Since then there has been plenty of disagreements and wasted time going to and
fro with her, so needless to say I’ve finally got rid of her and gone
elsewhere. I have decided since then that I will never take that unsafe and
easy way out.
So with this I just keep on trying to lose a bit more weight
but it just stayed where it was, 165kg’s, and I couldn’t get it to budge. After
a couple of months of this I was really starting to get pissed off again.
Over the previous several months, probably 4 – 6, I had been
looking up gyms on the net to see what was around me. I had found one not very
far away that I used to drive past all the time and think about going in but
didn’t have the balls to do it. Was too scared about firstly the owner laughing
at me, then the other members just taking the piss out of me. Who was I
kidding, just keep driving past and forget about it was my thought. Yes, yet
another FAILURE.
It was by then about July, I think, I was starting to get
pretty desperate and bit the bullet and drove in but when I couldn’t find the
gym easily I just drove back out thinking that’s that. A couple of days later
plucked up some more courage again to give finding it another go. This time was
better because the bloke I took to be the coach had a group of people outside
training them so I knew where to go.
I walked over to the building they were at and this is where
my life changed, hopefully forever.
I’m sure I was that scared that I was nearly wetting myself.
I saw the bloke wearing the coach T shirt and thought “now
or never” and sort of walked past to see if he would even notice me or if I
would just keep walking. This is where this bloke spoke to me and stuck his out
and said his name was Matt. We talked for a couple of minutes then he told me
to come back the next day at lunch time as that was a quiet period. Ha, bet he
thought that was the last time he would ever see me.....
Little did I know then how important and inspirational this
bloke called Matt Jolley was going to become to me.
I turned up at noon the next day, we spoke for a little bit
then he got me doing some exercises to see how I’d go, I thought I was going to
have a stroke but wasn’t going to let him know that, and after about 30/40 mins
he said that was enough for the first time, no shit – I thought that 30mins
earlier. He said to come back in a couple days and take it slowly from there.
Now I’m thinking I should set a few goals for myself, so I
started by making it to 10 visits and a larger one of losing 5kg’s. That’s good
enough to start with.
I remember when I went back for my second visit there was
another member there and I really didn’t want to try training in front of this
other person for fear of her just laughing at me. How wrong was I, this person
who Matt introduced as Jacqui White, never did and was very supportive towards
me. This made it easier to be there, hopefully everyone would be like that.
Over the next few months it seemed that at lunch times it was only the 3 of us
there most of time so it was easy to start settling in. And man it’s very
inspirational to watch Jacqui workout – she just doesn’t stop and pounds out
the workouts. She’s like a bloody machine. Can only wish to be that fit some
Over a period my arm/shoulder started to come good, it hurt
like hell during the workouts but Matt was great at what he’d get me doing so
that helped big time. Now it’s pretty good all round and I have full use of it
back... yah.
I found that I had achieved the goals I’d set myself so I
had to make more. I was now at 160kg’s. The next goals were 140kg’s and 50
visits. I found going to the gym was now enjoyable and helping me in more ways
than just my health and fitness.
50 visits seemed to happen fairly quickly and by christmas I
reached the 140kg mark. So then more goals were needed – 100 visits and
120kg’s. Also with Matt realizing that I’m starting to become competitive,
something I’ve never been, he keeps throwing little (?) challengers at me. Like
bench pressing 100kg’s, then benching the full stack (105Kg’s) to mention just
a couple.
These goals have also been met. Along the way meeting some
really top people, Jacqui, Cassie, Tom, Wayne, Jenny, Jill and others that I
don’t know their names (I should ask) just to mention a few but there is heaps
of them.
Don’t get me wrong, this has not all been as easy as it
sounds. There has been massive mind struggles and at times I have thought that
it’s just not worth it. “Give it up you’ll never succeed like every other time
– who are you kidding, just give it up now” was a big mind set through the
early part. But over time your thoughts change and boy have mine changed
I said to Matt the other day that I was really struggling at
the moment and that I should set some more goals. We talked for a couple
minutes and I was feeling a bit better. Then I told him that in my mind I want
to do a 5k fun run by Christmas. In Matt fashion he said what’s stopping me, to
which I replied that I can’t run and have never been any good at it. His reply
– when I went over to the treadmill for my warm up he set it on intervals so I
could see if I could run or not. I had only tried running once prior to this
and got about 200 meters before I had to give up because I was totally
knackered. Well I ended up doing a total of 3.5k’s and was very amazed. My knee
has come out second best but that’s not going to stop me now I’ve started.
After doing this, it was the first time I have let myself be
a little happy with the way things are going. Then to read that Matt said on
the facebook site for the gym that he was pretty happy about it, well that was
it I actually did something I never ever do and welled up a little. To think I
could do something to please what I think would have to be the best
coach/trainer around was just an unbelievable feeling.
I now absolutely love going to the gym and wonder what, as
Matt would put it, all the sooky la la’s were all about.
So now my new goals are 100kg’s and a 5k fun run.
Now at 118kg’s, I think that will be achievable, but the run
may be out of reach. That doesn’t mean I’m not going for it and going to give
it my best shot.
Yes that is 62kg’s down and when someone asked what I’d lost
I told them and could even feel a bit of a smile happening about it. Oh how my
thinking and attitude has changed in recent times.
With all the great support and encouragement from my sisters
and Beck, Boofhead, ET and the wonderfully amazing Lee, this is rapidly
becoming my new way of life and I am loving it finally. As I’ve already said,
Matt is totally AWESOME and knows exactly what he’s doing.
By the way, in my rant I think I forgot to mention the best
little gym in Geelong. EFM Health Clubs Geelong, owned and operated by Matt
Today is 18 April, 2012, will keep updating throughout the
year so I can be made accountable to myself.
Cheers for now
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