EFM Health Clubs Geelong

EFM Health Clubs Geelong

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Today's guest post is from Stella Cuddihy. Stella is really annoying because she has the courage to question me about my goals and strip through any excuses that I can try to come up with. I was fortunate enough to find Stella's world via Facebook, and through her interaction with some other amazing people. I challenged Stella to pursue an amazing adventure, to trek Kokoda with me. If she is able to overcome some of the physical challenges that this will present, I will be her guide and it will be a privelige to undertake that adventure with her.

I have not edited her post in any way, for reasons that will become apparent. I offer no moral to the story, no judgement of Stella or you. I simply offer this as someone else's story.

A colourful blur, that’s how i see the world. Like an artists palette the colours of the things in the world blend together. I cant see faces or the definition of a flower but it doesn’t stop me. It used to though

Fat that was me A big blob of oozing fat. An image of the tub of lard mum used to keep in our fridge as kids popped into my head that was me. I was disgusting; i could feel the fat seeping through my pores. I broke down and cried. I’d finally had enough I hated myself. I hated not being bale to see properly, I hated the cane that my mobility officer was so keen for me to use. I hated feeling like a victim i looked at the knife in my hand and then i heard a voice.

Tentatively i stepped on the scales,  i couldn’t see the numbers so used a camera to take a photo and then blew it up on the computer until i could make them out. I’m not totally blind just vision impaired enough to be classed as legally blind but you learn ways to make it work you have to. 125kgs. I was shocked i asked my son if it was right. He said yup but its OK mum its just a number. Such a wise 14 year old.  He held my hand when we walked into the gym knowing how nervous and uncomfortable i was. He was my rock a 14year old kid was the one who changed my life.

It wasn’t easy stepping into a gym obese and also being VI It takes me a while to orientate myself to new places but i had to do something. They were all so young and blonde and well ditzy. I don’t think they got it or cared but that was good meant i got left alone. I kind of knew what to do from the zillion previous attempts to lose weight. This time though was different I had a fire in my belly that i was taking back control.

I did weights, my son wrote my program it was kind of cute having him fuss over me his dream was to be a physio, learning difficulties stood in his way but when it came to compassion he was miles ahead. and i  swam well sort of splashed up and down the pool i used to stick a kickboard into my shorts to help me float.  And i walked in the park. I used the internet and found calorie king a free site where you can log what you eat and it told you how many cals you had and gave you an amount to eat each day.  The weight came of 1kg a week

After a few weeks i felt good i was on a treadmill and decided to try running 20seconds i lasted. This disgusted me i knew i was unfit but i knew that was bad. I had a new goal to learn to run. I found couch to 5 km a walk to run program and began it the next day with a couple of changes

Before long i was running 3 km on a treadmill and wanted to run outside. But how can someone run outside who cant see the path. Cant make out pot holes or debris. Slowly.  

A year later 55kg lighter i ran my first ultra marathon 55km. 1 km for ever kg i lost. That was the beginning of a new chapter. Over that year my marriage broke down. I left the state i went in search of myself a real life , eat, pray, love. I met many angels along the way that helped me find myself, learned to accept my disability as just an obstacle. I learnt to trust myself, to trust my senses.

Its been 4 years since that journey began. I no longer use a cane. I  found an amazing optometrist who made me glasses to help me with my running and work. I trained to be a personal trainer. I now run my own business as well as running a program for homeless people to get their lives back.

I’ve had to overcome many obstacles, I was diagnosed with MS a year ago another blow but not a life sentence. Ive learnt that these diseases affect us a lot more if we give into them. Its all about learning to overcome your obstacles not let them control you.

This year i am running my first 100km, a 24 hour track event and doing some open water swims. Yes i did learn to swim thanks to a wonderful coach who like me thinks outside the box.

There is nothing you cannot do guys. Just some things you haven’t worked out yet. If you don’t know how to get there ask Matt or me. Finding someone who doesn’t say cant but says ok lets figure out how is a godsend.

The depression that started this journey still lingers. The voice was a part of myself a part that had been crushed by years of feeling not good enough being told i was useless worthless. The child who held her mother while she died unable to revive her.  Blaming myself for something out of my control. The girl who at 16 was abused by several men. A secret that was never spoken of. That child decided she wanted a turn at life, that I was making a mess of things and it was time to give her a chance. So i did and what a powerful rollercoaster it has been. Letting go of the past embracing the future. Not looking at what people say i cant or shouldn’t do but asking myself what i want to do.

We all have the tools to take control back we just need to make the first step to ask someone if we don’t know how. I now have a list of things i want to accomplish

Swim the channel

Run 100km


Run from Melbourne to Cairns

Have a nude photo taken

Develop a program to help others find their way

Write a book

Learn to sail

And most of all find peace and be happy

Some things the hurdle is the cost, others its just finding the confidence to take the first step but slowly and surely im ticking things off my impossible list and adding bigger brighter things. Its good to have big hairy goals Its amazing when you tick them off.  Heck if i can do it with all my health issues whats stopping you

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