EFM Health Clubs Geelong

EFM Health Clubs Geelong

Thursday, May 26, 2011

You're a LIAR

WOW. Who starts a blog with what looks like a personal attack? I do. And who am I talking to?

Me. You. Your colleague. That guy who said he'd come and fix your leaking taps but you saw him having coffee instead. Everyone you know, apart from possibly two or three people on the planet who are so good and honest that the CIA has them locked up somewhere.

What on Earth am I talking about?

Let me give you an example. In the past 15 months my life has changed dramatically. I mean Dramatically. Personal life. Relationships. I own a business. I 'work' 14 hours a day. I moved house. Staring down the barrel of so many things that had the potential to see me go under. Boo freaking hoo. Happens to all of us. We all face it. Death of a family member. Partners come, partners go. Jobs come, Jobs go. Kids hate us one day, love us the next. Work sucks. Its all unpredictable. Or is it?

I tell you this because there have been times when I have wanted to blame someone or something else for what has happened to me. And at times, I have. I LIED. I LIED to myself, and if I was complaining about what happened to me, about how unfair it was the way I was treated, or that I didn't get enough support, or that people didn't share my dreams, I was lying. I made conscious decisions every day about what I was going to do or not do, and at times I've suffered for it.

So...who cares about what happened to me? Not your problem is it? You have your own crap to sort out. And that's where I know you're going to be a LIAR. Because in having these things happen to you, you're going to get the opportunity to think that other people and events control your life.

We all know how devastating the recent Tsunami in Japan was. Nobody ever deserves that. That's an act of nature, and quite simply, unavoidable.

What I'm talking about is you being broke. Having no money to do anything. Not being able to pay bills. Not being able to afford the basics. Or the luxuries. LIAR. Of course you've had the money to do things. To pay bills. To have holidays. You just blew it on shit you did not need.

Now this isn't a money lecture. It's a TRUTH lecture, but the lesson is the same.

Take for example the people who say they don't have time to exercise. 168 hours in the week, 56 hours for sleeping, 45 for work, etc etc. You have time to exercise. Don't make me do the maths on this. You have time. You simply LIE to yourself about it.

You don't have the knowledge to run a business. LIAR. Of course you do. You spent 13 bloody years at school!! What the #%&$ where you doing all that time?

You don't have any friends. LIAR. Of course you do. You don't live in a vacuum. You meet people. You work with people. You buy stuff from people. Friends are people you choose to spend time with. So choose to spend time with people.

You have everything you need. Already. Today. Right now. Stop lying to yourself about what you don't have. Think about what you do have. Practise gratitude for the things you have.

Oprah Winfrey once said that, "The person you lie most to is yourself". We all do it. We lie to ourselves that we are going to set a budget. And stick to it. We lie that we are not going to nag our partner. Or yell at our kids. Or make time for exercise. Or eat the right foods for longer than it takes to read a magazine with the latest wonder diet. Or give up the smokes.

If you are sick of LYING to yourself, come and see me. I'm not an accountant or financial planner. Those of you who know me will surely know I'm no marriage guidance counsellor. What do I know?

What you should eat. What exercise you should do. How you set a goal. How to achieve a goal. How to achieve the most unbelievable, incredible biggest hairy audacious goal you could ever imagine. How to take your big hairy audacious goal (BHAG) and GST it (add 10%). That's what I do. And I will do it for you.

That's the TRUTH.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Watch out for the Train Wreck...

What is wrong with us? If someone you loved was standing on the train tracks and a train was bearing down on them, the least you'd do would be to let them know, right? Or you'd take them by the hand and lead them away from the danger. Never mind the reason they were there in the first place, your prime concern would be to get them away from the danger.

Would you worry about offending their feelings? Worry that they'd not talk to you for a week? No way, you wouldn't care, you'd just want them safe and healthy.

So why...why...do we not say something to someone we work with, care about, love when they are their own train wreck? When their own behaviour is leading them directly into the path of the train?

I see people every day, who have led a lifestyle that is killing them as surely as standing in front of a speeding train, but nobody will tell them. They eat too much, exercise too little, allow themselves to become morbidly obese, but nobody has the guts to stop them and give them the truth.

Why don't we? For the most part we are afraid of offending them. So, instead of offending them for a minute, and encouraging them to change their life, which can so easily be done, we ignore the elephant in the room (don't pardon the pun, I meant that to offend) and ignore the fact that someone we love is obese.

Don't know how to bring the topic up? The next time you are together maybe ask them what weight they want to be when they die...you don't see too many morbidly obese 60 year olds. They're already dead.

Shocked? Irritated? Offended? Good!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


This is something special.

This young guy is one of our newest and youngest members, Tate.

As you can see, Tate is kinda big. Before Christmas, Tate lost 1kg and I was the proudest Coach on the planet.

At his last weigh in with the dietician, Tate had gained 6kg. I've never been so devastated about a member that I have been reduced to tears. I was when his Dad Scott sent me the e-mail.

But it’s all good. Tate and I have a plan.

I just wanted you guys to see the before photo, in a real before state, not after he has lost the body fat.

So...watch this space, and if you see Tate in the Club, give him some encouragement to keep going when it gets tough. Coz it will.

This is part of what being in a Club is all about, helping out, and you can help Tate by encouraging him on his transformation.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What's holding you back?

Do you ever feel that you are being pulled in too many directions? Work commitments, taking the kids to school and sport, getting the groceries done, cleaning the house, helping out our family, walking the dog, time with our partners, the list sometimes seems endless, and there never seems to be any time for ourselves.

How do you break out of this cycle and get the time in your day you need to focus on yourself?

The time is actually there, you just have to reorganise a little. We get stuck in paradigms that we have been using for years, and it locks us into courses of actions that doom us to repeat the same activities over and over. Nothing ever changes. Nothing will change until you change your mindset.

(A paradigm, for those of you scurrying for the dictionary...is basically the box we construct that we live in, our way of thinking that things must be..."I must be the one who takes the kids to school" or "I can't exercise at 6am"...essentially the rules we force ourselves to live by).

Well...who the Hell says it has to be that way? Why can't you commit to 4 training sessions a week, or commit to a healthy eating lifestyle for ever? One thing that bugs me is when people say, "But you still have to live". Why on Earth does eating crap food and sitting on your arse equate to living? What if you changed the paradigm to, "I will eat nutritious food every day and exercise to make my body fitter, leaner, stronger". What would your definition of 'living' be?

So...my point...??? And there is one...!

Stop with the lying and the bullshit about why you can't do something, because it is utter bullshit. You know I it, I know it, it's plain to see. You don't make time to exercise or eat well, because you're stuck in what happened yesterday.

You can change the way you live, it takes courage though. You need to have the courage to tell those around you that you are changing the way you live, that their needs won't always be first. Sure, when your kids are young you need to do everything for them, but if your kids are 25, do you still need to take them everywhere and do everything with them?

I'm not saying ignore everyone else in your life, that's stupid. I'm just saying that with a subtle shift in the paradigms you live with that you can find the time to exercise and live a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Thanks to my friend who helped me see that the paradigms I had constructed in my life were holding me back from being who I can be. I hope you know how much you've helped me!

See you all in the Club today!
